11 February 2019

New Displays and Old Vexations.

New Displays and Old Vexations.

A new museum display is a wondrous thing.
Setting up a new museum display can be absorbing, satisfying and fulfilling.

And occasionally           REALLY ANNOYING

So writing as a one woman band? powerhouse? creative genius? 
Here are some vignettes from the coal face.

Removing the old display takes much much longer than you remember it took to put up.

Remove one item and four move. Not necessarily in the right direction.
Why are all the boxes needed for packing away up on the highest shelf in the back of the store room?
Why are there two small tapestry bags, one pair of violet art silk stockings and a pair of elbow length kid gloves left over?
Why when you eventually get the box down do you always find the loveliest bodice that you have never seen before?
Why wont it all go in, as it all came out?

Finally you achieve empty case status.

Kicking the surplus tissue paper scraps to one side, unpack the new selection.
Realise that who ever wrote the original garment notes was fairly economical with the veracity of the description…
Realise that your diagram and plan was written for a much bigger case. Or indeed museum.
Realise that having a witty white floor covering for the black items works only as a means of making the stands fall over.
Realise that having a witty black floor covering for the white items etc etc.

Achieve installation of new fittings and hang long items.
Achieve partial concealment of floor based items by hanging long items.
Achieve installation of intended standout black item to find spotlights from museum floor render it impossible to see.

Stop and straighten back.


Try to enhance shape of kid boot with tissue rolls. Fail.
Try to place just enough tissue in the neck of a blouse to stabilise the shape and not look limp. Fail.
Try to arrange elbow length lace gloves prettily to show off the design and the slim small hands. Partially fail.
Finally dress the main mannequin in the black and white ensemble that ties the whole MONOCHROME display together. Allegedly.
Finally decide that the belt you have IS part of the outfit, but it does not appear to fit either the mannequin or the style. Ah well.
Finally close the sliding doors of the case. Or almost completely close the sliding doors of the case.

Who measured hips + voluminous skirt material on that mannequin?
Who calculated hips+ skirt+ case door = closure?

So tomorrow back again and version 23 of new display starts.

Then all I have to do is write the case notes.


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