18 October 2018

Mercerie, Costume et Coiffes

Musée D'Histoire Locale 


Far to the south of France, deep in Provence, is the Roman town of Fréjus. In rue Jean Jaurès is the local history museum...Musée D'Histoire Locale. Occupying the whole of a venerable town house, the museum contains some costume and a variety of room sets; an old fashioned kitchen, a village shop, a school room and the Mercerie or Haberdashers.
The elegant first floor drawing room is hosting a small afternoon tea party. (Although judging by the shape of that pot, it could be a coffee party)

Both mistress and servant are represented, the bougeoise in fine clothes and elaborate lace, and the maid in her simpler garb.
Quilted skirts can be seen...one on the figure sitting front left and the maid by the window. These were batted with cotton in the summer and wool in the winter.



There were also elegant dresses in subdued colours, all with the soft white drape of a muslin and lace fichu pinned in place.


                 Not so easy to see in this picture, but the skirt wrapped around and closed up at the front.

A more elaborate chocolate brown dress was my favourite.

Finally in this room was this exquisite lace shawl? fichu?

Some traditional outfits.

                                  A couple of Coiffes....

 Hat pins, Chatelaines and possibly a skirt page? (Bottom left)

Echoes of school days...suggesting a skill level that many would envy today....

Finally La Magasin Mercerie. A great mixture of 100 years ago, 40 years ago and not so long ago.
These are the first time I have seen this shape for cottons. The whole thing is a square with a cylinder down the inner middle.I could not get a clearer shot at a distance and through glass...intriguing though.

Well worth a visit when you are next in Provence.

Merci au Musée D'Histoire Locale Fréjus pour votre aide et l'utilisation des photographies.
