31 March 2015


Along comes a new challenge. Years of working in what used to be called a computer centre might have been thought to lay the groundwork for a lifetime of IT wizardry and comprehension.
A sort of innate IT DNA implant if you will...
DUH as someone once said.
Blogs were not even a glint in a geek’s eye a few years ago.
Well I’m in the blogosphere now...And it’s lovely.
I’ve read the Help. I even understood some of it.
I’ve moved boxes round on a template (or possibly a layout)
I’ve chosen the most fab 70’s orange background (I painted my bedroom fireplace that exact colour when I was a teenager)
I’ve failed to transfer things to the blog from a variety of sources.
I’ve felt a blip of achievement when I managed to insert an alert box.
I’ve (thankfully) realised that whilst enjoying posting original content was very satisfying, I had given no thought to backups………
So the learning curve flattens, coughs and will rise again soon.

A blog gives me a lovely platform for my writing. When you are freelance, there are bound to be gaps in paid work (Sadly). With a blog I can noodle along on the keyboard and not let a single pearl of wisdom atrophy.
I don’t have to close my eyes and click the Recount button to see if I’m over my word limit. (Obviously I would open my eyes to see what it said in the box eventually…and it was a rare article that was not better for a good prune to get it down to spec.)
I don’t have to write it, double space it, email it off and then wait.
Just Write, Check for spelink and Publish!
Of course the wait to check my account for a payment has gone too, but hey...if you are reading this and you would like to commission a piece from me, please get in touch.

And so, they all lived happily ever after; the fair blogger, her superlative writing skills and Letterstoadress.****

****Keep up. That’s the blog name.

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