15 November 2018

L'illustration 1925




A lucky find at a brocante this summer in the south of France. On a day so hot I had to carry the magazine very very carefully, as the sun had crisped and dried the pages and the glue on the spine.

Published in Paris (où d'autre?).
No. 4286. In it's 83rd year.
Subscription for one year in France 120 francs.
Étranger 160 francs.

This was a special edition for a large event;


The term Art Deco came into common parlance after this exhibition.....coming from the name of the exhibition itself.

Some quickly taken and hastily edited photographs of this gem of French loveliness. Have a peek at some of the advertisements that paint a picture of a world that vanished long ago...when damsels  relied on a decent soap to glow and simper and household goods were stark and modern and oh so gorgeous....



More on the exhibition itself in a future post.

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