While I'm on this accessories strand, lets talk about handbags. They are a fashion delight. Even when a dress wont go over your hips or trousers just make you want to cry, a handbag will never let you down. You can always get them in your size. You can wear them across your body, over your shoulder or wrist, strapped to your back or just cuddled up close. They (usually) have room for everything you want to put in them. A word of warning though. Going down the bigger bag upgrade route can result in back, shoulder and wallet strain. Although never being short of a tissue, lip salve, spare carrier bag, phone charger, notebook, diary, mints and a safety pin does have its compensations.
The thought of having a different bag to go with a different outfit is fine in the abstract. When it comes to it, how often do you think you cant be bothered to change it all over? I can remember looking forward to growing up and using small gold or velvet evening bags like the ones I saw my mother use for that lost institution called 'A Dinner Dance'. By the time I was older my idea of an evening bag was an orange woven shoulder bag from Greece...ah. adolescence.
How long have bags had mobile phone pockets as standard? Until I got a phone I kept a packet of tissues in mine. Then I got a phone. But by then phones had got really small and it kept falling out of the pocket. Progress? Not really. I kept thinking it was lost/stolen. And there was the 'Is that mine' dilemma when a ringtone was heard and you had to scrabble about in the bottom of your bag to find the phone. But it was a great way to find sharp objects really quickly.
Handbags can be much more than just receptacles. Have a look at
A significant relationship ? Women and their handbag.
Women and their handbags. Part 2
and see what I mean.
Next. Scarves. The one fashion item that always fits, hides a multitude of sins and you can have loads without having to sell your handbag collection to buy more. (Unless you have a serious silk habit)
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